Tuesday, December 28, 2010


First, we introduced Logan to eggnog. He loved it.
Second, I made my hat. I love it.
Third, don't tell my sister you saw me wearing it. It's supposed to be hers. I should probably send it soon...
 We kicked off our Christmas Eve morning with our annual 3,000 calorie breakfast at Sheri's. And thus began my holiday weight gain. 
 That night we got together at Tyson's parents' for scones, the reading of the Christmas story (fabulously successful with all our kids running around, ha ha) and playing Christmas carols on homemade chimes.
 It required maximum concentration from all participants.
 We tried to get Logan amped about opening presents with the Christmas Eve teaser, but no. He wanted to play with spoons.
 Christmas morning came too early once again but everyone felt a little better once we got two sippy cups.
 "Guys? Why are you making such a mess? Also, can I have my Cheerios now?"
We tried to get Logan excited about the presents by showing the toys underneath.
 Then we threw a little paper into the air. All we got for that one was Blue Steel.
 Finally we just pulled the toys out and let him play.

Then I got my toys.
And Tyson got his.
And we ended the morning by unveiling the biggest printer known to man. Ok, maybe not, but it came with the camera and I wish I could have seen Tyson's face when it showed up at his work. He didn't realize how big it was when he ordered it.
The rest of our Christmas photos are on my new camera (Canon Rebel T2i for all of you camera people out there, also, would anyone like to give my lessons cause yeah... I don't know what I'm doing) and I have yet to put the new pictures on the computer.

Hope you all had a very merry Christmas out there!


  1. What wonderful pictures! Your presents look just right. Happy New Year.

  2. rebel vs nerf gun. seems about fair. haha.

    i want to pluck logan off the computer screen and squeeze him in those green jammies. creepy? sorry:)
    he just looks so dang cute and cuddly.
